Thursday, December 1, 2011

Jornal for Bradford

 Jessie Akers-Bell
Journal for Bradford

Author Quote: "Thus his curses lighted on his own head; and it was an astonishment to all his fellows, for they noted it to be the just hand of God upon him,"(Norton 114).

Internet Quote: "All great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage,"( 

Summary: The author quote is saying to people that they should be careful of what you say because it might just happen to you. Then the internet quote is saying that all good deeds in life come with work, hard times, and maybe even loss, and that both must be taken on with bravery of the same caliber.

My Ideas: The author quote is a one of those "I told you so" quotes. Or it could be seen as a "you better watch out, you better not cry" warning, but to adults instead of to kids about behaving well. In this quote though instead of getting a lump of coal for being bad you lose your life. The Internet quote is something that all people should understand and try to use in their lives. It is an idea that has been used by many great minds, and they all tell us to always expect to have hard times with the bad; to confront the bad times with the same emotions and energy as the good times. Both quotes are ideas that should be told to people today. There are many people I would like to say the first quote to, and of those people many are in the Christian faith. Then have a long conversation with them about their actions and what hurtful words they have said to people, and if they would like to have the actions those words meant be used against that person. Then maybe they would choose their words more carefully. Which is another thing I think that Bradford is trying to say. "Think before you speak."

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